Madeleine Cocozza

Licensed psychotherapist, Associate Professor & author.



Madeleine Cocozza

Licensed psychotherapist, Associate Professor & author.

Consultation / psychotherapy

Education in guidance groups

Learn more about my books

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My services

What do I offer


During a consultation, you are given a professional assessment of what is troubling


During a consultation, you are given a professional assessment of what is troubling


During a consultation, you are given a professional assessment of what is troubling


During a consultation, you are given a professional assessment of what is troubling

Madeleine Cocozza

My Professional Platform


  • Social Work degree in 1982
  • Licensed Psychotherapist in 1995
  • Master of Philosophy in Sociology in 1997
  • Doctor of Medicine in 2007, with a thesis on the Child Protection System
  • Teacher and Supervisor Training at Linköping University in 2010

Professional Activity

  • Clinically active in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic from 1984-2007
  • Private psychotherapy practice since 1995
  • Lecturer at Linköping University since 2007 – program director for psychotherapy program focusing on family and course director for supervisor training with a systemic theoretical foundation.
  • Lecturer in various university programs: such as different psychotherapy programs (step 1 and step 2), supervisor courses, child and adolescent psychiatry courses, medical education, speech therapy program.
  • Lecturer for the general public within the framework of the Swedish Church and other actors.
  • Lecturer for various professional groups within social services, schools, and child health care.

Motivation till årets familjeterapeut

Med styrka som få, med mod och uthållighet, som disputerad psykoterapeut och lektor vid Linköpings Universitet, har Madeleine Cocozza utbildat och inspirerat många handledare och psykoterapeuter – en gärning som vi önskar att någon skulle ta efter! Med ett brinnande engagemang för allt från barns skydd till systemteori har Madeleine Cocozza myntat begreppet familjepsykoterapi. Hon är en förkämpe för familjeterapins plats i det samhälle vi lever i. Vi inspireras av hennes litterära produktion och att hon sett till att utbilda handledare i familjerekonstruktion.För familjepsykoterapin i Sverige är Madeleine Cocozza viktig, även efter sin pension.

Motivation for Family Therapist of the Year

With extraordinary strength, courage, and perseverance, as a certified psychotherapist and lecturer at Linköping University, Madeleine Cocozza has educated and inspired many supervisors and psychotherapists – a contribution we wish someone would follow!
With a burning passion for everything from child protection to systems theory, Madeleine Cocozza has coined the term family psychotherapy.
She is a champion for the place of family therapy in the society we live in. We are inspired by her literary work and the fact that she has ensured the education of supervisors in family reconstruction.
For family psychotherapy in Sweden, Madeleine Cocozza remains significant, even after her retirement.